New Name, New Logo, New Era.
After months away from the blogosphere, I have decided to restart this blog of mine with a renewed focus.
It’s been too long, way too long in my opinion since I’ve actually sat down and written something. Just anything at all, with what’s been going on, in the news cycle. I could not understand why and how I could not just tell how I feel, or my reaction to this one singular issue. After spending most of 2020, and 2021, on fire writing, podcasting, and streaming, I felt like I was already running my course, like I got way to ahead of myself, and feared I started having a big ego (which I feel like at times, I do.) So, 2022 started off with me sort of going back into a normalcy of sorts, how after spending two years indoors, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, once the vaccinations were ready people will be slowly but surely go back to the lives as they were before. And, I began to realize that I was so used to the idea, of virtual communication be that learning, education, or socializing, once all that changed I had to change with it. So, for the most part, I went dark I went into what I would call a post pandemic life, the friends that I had made were most likely out and about carrying on with their business rather than being able to stay at home. I knew that all things had to come to an end, even before they begin. There was a fear in me, that this was finally the path in my life that I had chosen to do. Even, with a massive upgrade in the computer system, and into modern technology, I still felt like I wasn’t ready to return and I did not know why. I had watched other streamers, listened to other podcasters, and read other bloggers feeling ready to do my part again. But, the worry, fear, self doubt, and attitudes of judgement started to creep up again, and it forced me back into a corner, I had been so ready to come out of. I started making shows here and there, and always felt like “Okay, I’m ready now. I am returning.” And then, a surgical procedure this spring hampered my plans to return, and the recovery time took longer than expected throughout the summer. So, finally with all of that behind me, I am honestly ready again with the fall season so near. This will be the true first step, in my eventual return, to the leftist news and commentary social community that I am proud to be apart of. So, with that this long dormant blog which was initially deleted by me, and then returned soon after. Has a new separate name from the Twitch, and YouTube content that I have been doing. That will still be called TJRS - The John Ross Show, this blog will be a separate entity with it’s own name. I decided to rename this: MySubstackBlogThing. It’s a new name, with the same focus of leftist news, politics, and commentary, that I have been doing for about a year now. I return with a renewed commitment, and focus and I am determined to meet that challenge. -J.
New logo from the author of this blog.
Citation: Adobe Creative Logo